Exciting Media Fund Announcement:
I am pleased to report, we received a positive vote for our Media fund, to continue our fundraising efforts to update the sound system, video streaming, etc.
To date there is over $10,980 raised towards the Phase I goal of $30,750.
Scandia is the recipient of a wonderful donation, along with a challenge – that would enable us to put a “down payment” on the sound system components now, so that they can be purchased and stored for us by Verum Technologies until the time when the Phase I goal is met. This means we will be able to ‘lock in” the pricing until we have raised 100% of the Phase 1 cost.
We have received a $5,000 donation that represents a multi-generational family connection to Scandia Lutheran Church and the ministry here.
The challenge extended is to match this donation from now until December 15th , any amount donated towards this match challenge . . . $10, $100, $1,000 - whatever the amount is . . . is so appreciated!
How exciting!! This challenge is for all of us, whether you are here in person, you attend our services and messages through Facebook – locally and across the miles – whatever the circumstance, we would like to share God’s Word and ministry with you! Together we can do this!
Please prayerfully consider your participation in this challenge.
You can send your donation to Scandia Lutheran Church, 251 Broadway, PO Box 147, Centerville, SD 57014-0147 . “Media’
Great is Thy Faithfulness!